I've been very slack with blogging the past couple of weeks. Truth be told I used all our download (no idea how!) and even though we don't get charged for excess use our internet is slowed and it's just painful to use. My bad!
I've also not done a meal plan for this week and we've wasted quite a bit of food :( I started writing it down then kept forgetting. Time to recharge! Daddy has flown back out so I have 2 weeks to get sorted before he gets back. I'm also trying to get the house organised which is a very slow process. I have ALOT of stuff.....
Our littlest boy has been seeing a speech therapist for a little while now and one of the things she has told me to do is to go back to basics when I'm talking to him. So things like saying 'up' when he wants me to pick him up and 'down' when he gets down so he can copy the sounds. I'm finding this quite hard to do as my 2 1/2 year old is a brilliant talker and I basically have whole conversations with him all day so to then stop and go back to basics is proving difficult. The new plan after seeing our speechie today is to make bathtime the time where I do that and then hopefully it will filter into my everyday vocab. Here's hoping anyway!
So some things I am wanting to do is make up some baby wipes, start a 'Meatless Monday' in our home, make a housekeeping schedule and plan a night away for when Daddy gets home and blog more regularly!
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