Yesterday was a 4am wake up for Master 1 and I generally bring him into my bed around this time to feed him (yes I'm still breastfeeding my 14 month old) and he'll doze back off. Not this time! Pair that with him still waking up on average 3 times a night and gosh I was tired!
We were meant to be somewhere at 9am that day so after entertaining the kids for 4 1/2 LONG hours, at 8.30 we went to hop in the car but lo and behold - no keys! Now I often misplace my keys but I always find them in about 5 minutes. Not yesterday. Half an hour later I still hadn't found them so I called my friend I was meeting to let her know we wouldn't be there on time. Another half hour and I called it quits before I blew my top. Master 2 assured me he hadn't played with my keys since coming home the previous day and I (stupidly) believed him.
There was a plan B to getting into town and that was use Mr Steps car. Now Mr Steps is very particular about his car and doesn't like me to drive it at all. However he is away at the moment and I was desperate so off we went in Daddy's car much to the delight of Master 2 who told me several times that I was holding the steering wheel wrong and that I didn't hold it like Daddy does.
After a much needed coffee, cake and play date with my friend and her sons at the local Community Gardens I felt much better and we headed home after lunch and we all had a quick nap.
Later on that day I was packing some toys away when I discovered this:
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