Sunday, 7 April 2013

Coconut Oil

Today I thought I'd talk about the benefits of coconut oil (which you can buy at the supermarket in the health food aisle) and why I love it so much. I've been using it for a few months now and because it's not cheap I tend to be quite selective about what I use it in. I made a recipe with it and had to use 1/3 cup in it which I won't be doing again! 

Coconut oil has been used forever in India and Sri Lanka and Thailand. It's used in Ayurveda which is the traditional Indian healing system. It's had a bad rap because it's mainly saturated fat but it's a natural plant based saturated fat not a man made one like margarine (hydrogenated fat) and it doesn't contain any transfatty acid. It has lauric acid in it which the body uses to fight bacteria and viruses. Here are some ways it can be used:

- In cooking - you can fry with it (it won't oxidise and go rancid), use it in baking basically replace any other fat with it
- Taking 3-4 tablespoons a day will increase milk supply for breastfeeding mums
- Use it on bruises to help them heal quicker
- It stops the itching from mozzie bites
- Massage it onto sunburned skin
- It's great for nappy rash and cradle cap
- Massage it into your scalp daily to reduce dandruff
- Use it to keep lice and their eggs away
- Its a fantastic massage oil and body moisturiser
- Use it in homemade body products. You can find a coconut oil deodorant recipe here.
- It boosts your immune system
- It aids in vitamin and nutrient absorption
- It helps treat dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis
- Massage it into your skin to prevent wrinkles
- It helps the digestive system and can prevent digestive problems such as IBS and bloating
- It increases metabolism
- There have also been reports of coconut oil helping people with  Diabetes and Alzheimer's and Dementia

This is just scratching the surface! Check out Hybrid Rasta Mama for 333 uses for this amazing stuff. Many people just take a tablespoon of it a day for general health. Here is a link to a zillion recipes using coconut oil to give you some ideas. Hopefully you'll give it a go in your home and I'd love to hear how you've used it.

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